Welcome to my Website!

Please note that I no longer use this website for my professional career. This website serves as an artifact from the completion of my degree at Ball State University in 2015. For professional inquiries, please visit my current website or e-mail me. Thank you!
My name is Alec Burke, and I completed my degree in General/Instrumental Music Education at Ball State University in December 2015. At present, I am currently a trumpet instructor and musician with the Music for the Sake of Music non-profit organization in Green Bay, WI and a French horn/high brass mentor for the Strings and Jazzy Things camp in Broadripple, IN. My primary instrument is trumpet, and I have participated in large variety of fine performing ensembles in my few years at BSU, such as the Pride of Mid-America Marching Band (in which I served as section leader), the University Singers back-up band as split lead, and Studio Jazz and Jazz Lab Ensembles. I have also performed with the BSU Wind Ensemble, the nationally renowned BSU Trumpet Fanfare Ensemble led by Dr. Brittany Hendricks, and other concert and chamber ensembles. Currently, I am a member of several professional organizations, including the National Band Association (NBA), the National Association for Music Education (NAfME), and the International Trumpet Guild (ITG). I finished my student teaching experience in December 2015 under Mr. Dean Smekens at Jefferson Middle School in the Fort Wayne Community Schools (FWCS) district.
This website serves as my professional teaching portfolio. Here, you will discover my goals and philosophy as a music educator as well as numerous artifacts detailing my experience and knowledge as a musician and teacher. My contact information and resume can be found here.
My name is Alec Burke, and I completed my degree in General/Instrumental Music Education at Ball State University in December 2015. At present, I am currently a trumpet instructor and musician with the Music for the Sake of Music non-profit organization in Green Bay, WI and a French horn/high brass mentor for the Strings and Jazzy Things camp in Broadripple, IN. My primary instrument is trumpet, and I have participated in large variety of fine performing ensembles in my few years at BSU, such as the Pride of Mid-America Marching Band (in which I served as section leader), the University Singers back-up band as split lead, and Studio Jazz and Jazz Lab Ensembles. I have also performed with the BSU Wind Ensemble, the nationally renowned BSU Trumpet Fanfare Ensemble led by Dr. Brittany Hendricks, and other concert and chamber ensembles. Currently, I am a member of several professional organizations, including the National Band Association (NBA), the National Association for Music Education (NAfME), and the International Trumpet Guild (ITG). I finished my student teaching experience in December 2015 under Mr. Dean Smekens at Jefferson Middle School in the Fort Wayne Community Schools (FWCS) district.
This website serves as my professional teaching portfolio. Here, you will discover my goals and philosophy as a music educator as well as numerous artifacts detailing my experience and knowledge as a musician and teacher. My contact information and resume can be found here.