The purpose of this project was to improve the students’ knowledge of fundamental scales and intervals, including writing and recognizing each. Prior to the learning the material, students were given a pre-test. In order to measure the effectiveness of my teaching, I collected the data from the results of the pre-test and compared them to a post-test that I administered after completing the unit. The pre-test was constructed to assess student aptitude in hopes that there would be growth in test scores between the pre-test and the post-test at the end of the unit. The unit included writing, singing, and aural recognition of scales, chords, intervals, and scale degrees. The National Standards for Music Education addressed in the unit include: #1, #2, #5, and #6. In the attempt to incorporate Indiana’s literacy standards, I also utilized Literacy Standard 6-8.RT.3 – “Follow precisely a multistep procedure when performing technical music tasks.” The goal by the end of the unit was to improve students’ overall musical ability through recognition, understanding, and knowledge of the content and set the groundwork for future learning of music theory concepts.
You may access the full project document here.
You may access the full project document here.