Artifacts & Rationales - InTASC #6
Student Teaching - Fall 2015
Standard #6 - LAMP Pre and Post Tests
These pre and post tests are components of my LAMP project. The goal by the end of the unit was to improve students’ overall musical ability through recognition, understanding, and knowledge of fundamental music theory concepts to help set the groundwork for future learning. Prior to the learning the material, students were given a pre-test. In order to measure the effectiveness of my teaching, I collected the data from the results of the pre-test and compare them to a post-test that was given after completing the unit. The pre-test was constructed to assess student aptitude in hopes that there would be growth in test scores between the pre-test and the post-test at the end of the unit.
These pre and post tests are components of my LAMP project. The goal by the end of the unit was to improve students’ overall musical ability through recognition, understanding, and knowledge of fundamental music theory concepts to help set the groundwork for future learning. Prior to the learning the material, students were given a pre-test. In order to measure the effectiveness of my teaching, I collected the data from the results of the pre-test and compare them to a post-test that was given after completing the unit. The pre-test was constructed to assess student aptitude in hopes that there would be growth in test scores between the pre-test and the post-test at the end of the unit.
MUSE 350 - Decision Point 3
Standard #6 - Teaching Reflection
For my first placement of MUSE 350 (Practicum) I was required to summarize and reflect upon my experiences in a daily journal, in weekly facebook posts with my classmates, and in a final journal entry at the end of the placement. This assignment not only helped me to evaluate my ability and track my growth as a teacher over the course of the placement, but will serve as a reminder of the skills I've received observing and working with my cooperating teacher.

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MUSE 355 - Decision Point 2
Standard #6 - Reading Reflection
I chose this reading reflection of chapter 23 of Shelley Jagow's book "Teaching Instrumental Music: Developing the Complete Band Program" as my artifact for this standard. This reflection represents my views on using various assessment strategies in the beginning band curriculum.